無菌室應定期用70%酒精或0.5%苯酚噴霧降塵和消毒,用2%新潔爾滅抹拭臺面和用具(70%酒精也可),用福爾馬林(40%甲醛)加少量高錳酸鉀定期密閉熏蒸,配合紫外線滅菌燈(每次開啟15分鐘以上)等等消毒滅菌手段,以使無菌室經常保持高度的無菌狀態。接種箱內部也應裝有紫外線燈,使用前開燈15分鐘以上照射滅菌,但凡是照射不到之處仍是有菌的。在紫外線燈開啟時間較長時,可激發空氣中的氧分子締合成臭氧分子,這種氣體成分有很強的殺菌作用,可以對紫外線沒有直接照到的角落產生滅菌效果。由于臭氧有礙健康,在進入操作之前應先關掉紫外線燈,關后十多分鐘即可入內 。
Clean Bench has the advantage of easy to operate freely, more comfortable, efficient, preparation time is short, the boot can be operated for more than a very minute,basically ready to use. In factory production, inoculation heavy workload, the need for frequent long-term work, the Clean Bench is the ideal equipment. Clean Bench by the three-phase motor to make blast power, power 145 ~ 260W or so, will air through the porous foam by a specially composed piece cascading together a "super filter" after blowing out the formation of a continuous dust-free The ultra-clean air laminar flow bacteria, so-called "high-performance special air", which removed more than 0.3μm dust, fungi and bacteria spores and so on. Ultra-clean air flow rate of 24 ~ 30m/min, which are adequate to prevent possible harassment in the vicinity of air pollution caused by such a flow will not impede the use of alcohol lamp or Bunsen burner burning disinfection of equipment and so on. And in this way the staff operated under sterile conditions to maintain sterile material in the course of the transfer of vaccination is not contaminated. But what if an electrical outage halfway operation, exposed to unfiltered air contaminated material will not be spared. Should provide a speedy end to work and make a mark on the bottle, which is in the materials, such as the proliferation phase, we will no longer be used as a
proliferation and transferred to rooting culture. As for the general production of materials, due to the extremely rich can also be disposable. As in the rooting process, can be planted until later use.
Clean Bench power supply to use more three-phase four-wire system, of which 10 lines, connecting the machine casing should then firmly on the ground line, the other three lines are the phase, the working voltage is 380V. Third-line access to the circuit in a certain order, such as pick the wrong end of a thread, wind the opportunity to reverse, when the sound normal or slightly abnormal, Clean Bench front without wind (available alcohol lamp flame observation of static and dynamic, not long-trial), should be promptly cut off the power, as long as any of them as two-phase end of a thread to exchange position were followed, the will be over. Three-phase line, such as access only to two-phase or three-phase there is a similar connection is bad, then the machine sounds very normal, should be immediately cut off the power supply careful maintenance, otherwise they will burn motor. These common sense should be when they start using Clean Bench to explain clearly to staff, should not result in exemption from the accident and loss. #p#分頁標題#e#
Clean Bench at the back or front air inlet below the metal mesh cover within a normal foam piece or non-woven fabrics used to block large particles of dust, should be a routine check, unpick and wash, such as found in foam aging, must be promptly replaced. In addition to outside air inlet, where gas leakage pores, it should be blocked strict, such as patching, plug of cotton and paste glue paper. Table inside the front cover of the metal mesh filter is super, super filter may be replaced, as a result of the use of long years, dust jam, wind speed decreased, can not guarantee aseptic operation, can be replaced with new.
Clean Bench length of life related to the degree of air cleanliness. Clean Bench in temperate regions may be in the general laboratory use, but in tropical orsubtropical regions, because the atmosphere contains high levels of pollen, dust or more areas, Clean Bench are advised to put a better interior double doors. Any case, Taiwan should not be ultra-clean air inlet hood facing the open door or window, so as not to affect the filter life.
Sterile room should be on a regular basis with 70% alcohol or 0.5% phenol spray dust and disinfected with 2% wiped countertops and appliances Bromogeramine (70% alcohol can also be), with formalin (40% formaldehyde) plus a small amount of high manganese airtight fumigation potassium on a regular basis to meet the ultraviolet sterilization lamps (each to open more than 15 minutes) and so on means of
disinfection and sterilization, sterile rooms in order to maintain regular high level of sterility. Vaccination should also be equipped with a UV box inside lights, turn on the lights more than 15 minutes prior to use radiation sterilization, but not of the Department any exposure there is still bacteria. UV light to open longer, it can stimulate oxygen molecules in the air to enter the ozone molecule synthesis, this gas composition has a strong bactericidal effect, you can not directly shine on the corner of ultraviolet sterilizing effect produced. Because ozone unhealthy, on entering the operation should be preceded by turn off the UV lamp off after more than 10 minutes you can enter.
In the ultra-clean the table can also be hoisting UV ultraviolet light, but it should be packed in light shade outside, and stagger the lights arranged in parallel, so that at work, without prejudice to lighting. Ruoqiang ultraviolet light into light shade (glass) inside, which is useless, since ultraviolet light can not penetrate the glass, it is a quartz glass tube, rather than made of silicate glass.
超凈工作臺內的小環境可被紫外燈消毒,并由高效過濾器鼓風系統使臺內形成一個較穩定的無菌環境。工作中人的活動要盡量少改變臺內的空氣循環系統。 主體內容:
1. 目的 規范
2. 適用范圍:本實驗方法適用于微生物檢驗中
凈化工作臺操作與維護管理。 3. 檢驗人員職責:負責此儀器操作和維護管理 4. 操作及維護規程 4.1操作規程
4.1.1使用工作臺時,應提前30分鐘開機,同時開啟紫外殺菌燈,處理操作區內表面積累的微生物,30分鐘后關閉殺菌燈(此時日光燈即開啟),啟動風機。 4.1.2對新安裝的或長期未使用的工作臺,使用前必需對工作臺和周圍環鏡先用超靜真空吸塵器或用不產生纖維的工具進行清潔工作,再采用藥物滅菌法或紫外線滅菌法進行滅菌處理。
4.1.3 操作區內不允許存放不必要的物品,保持工作區的潔凈氣流流型不受干擾。
4.1.4 操作區內盡量避免作用明顯擾亂氣流流型的動作。4.1.5 操作區的使用溫度不可以超過60℃。 4.2 維護規程及維護方法
4.2.1 根據環境的潔凈程度,可定期(一般2~3個月)將粗濾布(滌綸無紡布)拆下清洗或給予更換。
4.2.2 定期(一般為一周)對環境周圍進行滅菌工作,同時經常用紗布沾酒精或丙酮等有機溶劑將紫外線殺菌燈表面擦干凈,保持表面清潔,否則會影響殺菌效果。
4.2.3 當加大風機電壓已不能使風速達到0.32m/s時必須更換高效空氣過濾器。 4.2.4 更換過濾器時,可打開頂蓋,更換時應注意過濾器上的箭頭標志,箭頭指向即為層流氣流向。
4.2.5 更換高效過濾器后,應用Y09-4型塵埃粒子計數器四周邊框密封是否良好,調節風機電壓,使操作區平均風速保持在0.32-0.48m/s范圍內,再用Y09-4型塵埃粒子計數器檢查潔凈度
1 目的: 維持屏障系統的生物潔凈度,保護工作人員的安全,保障機組的正常運轉,盡量減少可影響科研成果的各種可變因素。
2 原則: 屏障系統內的超凈工作臺只能用于建立動物模型的手術、轉基因小鼠的日常操作。 3 使用管理:
(4)實驗結束后,用消毒液擦拭工作臺面,關閉工作電源,重新開啟紫外燈照射15分鐘。 (5)如遇機組發生故障,應立即通知實驗動物室,由專業人員檢修合格后繼續使用。 (6)實驗人員應注意保持室內整潔。 #p#分頁標題#e#
(7)超凈工作臺的濾材每2年更換一次,并作好更換記錄。 日常維護
超凈工作臺的濾板和紫外殺菌燈都有標定的使用年限,應按期更換。 操作程序
(3)檢查噴霧器噴灑效果及超凈臺內外擦抹用的藥液是否已配置好。 (4)打開房間內排風系統。排除打開籠盒時逸出的有味氣體。
(5)檢查IVC機組各種表頭指針及目視各籠盒內的動物情況,估測IVC運行情況。 (6)記錄影響實驗動物繁殖、生長、發育的主要環境參數,如溫度、相對濕度、日溫差、籠盒內外壓差等。
(3)用藥液噴霧器充分噴灑雙手手套外表及IVC籠盒的外面,消毒滅菌并沾粘住表面的塵埃,防止進入超凈臺時被層流氣體吹揚。也可用帶手套的雙手浸入藥液容器中,撈起并擰干藥液毛巾,擦干手套外液滴,同時擦一下籠盒的外表。 (4)打開超凈工作臺移門,把籠盒移入超凈工作臺。